Tuesday, December 13, 2011

JFK Lessons

Here is a link to lesson 1, which contains the definitions. Homework for this lesson is the composition of ten vocabulary sentences, brainstorming ideas for a narrative essay, and completing the exercises on IF Clauses.

Here is a link to lesson 2 with the definitions. Here is a link to the first podcast on the Zupruder film. Please complete this podcast independently in the computer lab. Homework for today is the completion of the narrative essay.

Here are the extra vocabulary words from the short story Roselily. Although we decided not to work further from this piece, you still need to know these words for the vocabulary quiz.

Please don't forget to complete the grammar packets for homework over the weekend.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Education Reform Lessons

These lessons directly address the public education crisis in Chicago.

Here is part 1 of the lesson, which includes definitions and highlights two proposals to reform failing schools in the city. Homework for this lesson is to compose a paragraph in which you argue in favor of one of the proposed reforms. In addition, you are required to compose ten vocabulary sentenes.

Here is part 2 of the lesson, which contains definitions and the three transcripts to the stories we listened to, which approach the school crisis from three different angles.
Here is the story about the CPS teacher
Here is the story about the role of teen pregnancy
Here is the story of a teen overcoming the challenge

Homework is to listen to and answer the questions to the third selection. In addition, please compose and practice the persuasive speech (instructions in the lesson) on this topic. Finally, we will have a vocabulary quiz on Monday on the words from this week Here is a list of the words, phrases, and idioms from the week,

In addition, please use the handout from class to practice listneing for the main idea to these lectures.

The Brain of a Liar

Here is a link to lesson 1, which includes definitions. Homework from part 1 of the lesson is the completion of passage 2 (with vocabulary) and ten vocabulary sentences using any words, phrases, or idioms from this lesson.

Here is a link to lesson 2, which includes definitions. Here is a link to the podcast from class on the anatomical differences in the brains of liars. Here is another podcast (we did not get to) on the related topic of using brain scans in criminal cases. Feel free to listen to both for extra practice and/or interest.

Homework from part 2 of the lesson is the composition of a summary paragraph (using the direction in part 1 of the lesson) and ten vocabulary sentences.