Friday, September 28, 2012

The Lottery by Shirly Jackson

This week was dominated by the full-length TOEFL test we took and reviewed. Please don't be disheartened if you did not do as well as you had hoped. We will take another test in eight weeks. I am most interested in your progress and improvement, which I know will come.

That said, it is no coincidence that the person who received the highest score is the one student who has never missed class or come late to class. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . . . .  I will let you infer the meaning there.

9/26 and 9/26

On these days we focused on Listening for Categories and Chronologies. We started off with text exercises and spent some time on academic notetaking using this handout to practice classifying information. You will find links to the lectures from class below, in case you would like to go back and listen once more.
Roman Baths
Early Animation

We also worked on a new strategy to determine the meaning of an unfamiliar word in the context of a sentence: Using Adjective Clauses. You can find a link to the practice exercises here. This packet must be completed for homework.

In the advanced integraive portion of the class, we read part 1 of The Lottery by Shirly Jackson. This is considered one of the most important short stories in American fiction. You can find a link to the first part of the story (with vocabulary and definitions) here.

Homework for these days includes:
  1. Complete part 1 of The Lottery and anwer all questions
  2. Complete Vocabulary Strategy 6
  3. Complete take home quiz on "Harrison Bergeron" and "Benedict Arnold" lessons
  4. Study for CGT section 5 quiz

Today we continued to practice matching and classifying questions for the TOEFL listening section. We also discussed using different types of graphic organizers to take notes on a lecture or reading or to plan an essay. Here is a link to the handout, describing various types of graphic organizers. Here
is a link to Academic Note Taking Practice 7, which requires you to use the spider or web graphic organizer to organize a main idea, supportive ideas, and details. Below you will find the two lectures that we listened to in order to practice this skill.
Overkill Theory
Animal Medicine

We also discussed the conclusion of the story The Lottery. You can find a link to the conclusion here. We also watched a lecture in which a professor analyzes the meaning of the story. If you are interested, you can view a complete short film of the story on You Tube below.
Part 1
Part 2

For homework over the weekend, I am requiring you to compose ten vocabulary sentences using any ten words from these lessons.
Also, you need to compose a ONE EXAMPLE essay using the instructions in part 2 of the lesson. You can find a more complete explanation and an example of this essay here.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Benedict Arnold Lessons


First of all, let me commend you all for being on time, ready to rock, and ready to work hard today. Let's make this a habit.

We started off class in the lab reviewing main idea and detail questions. We also took a vocabulary quiz on CGT word list number 3, which means that this Thursday we will be taking the quiz on section 4. Next, we continued to review by examining the four strategies learned thus far to determine the meaning of an unfamiliar word in the context of a passage.We also began the integrative lesson topic on Benedict Arnold by working on some authentic media reading passages.  Here is a link to the class lesson with definitions.

Homework for tomorrow includes:
  1. Complete the Vocabulary in Context review exercises.
  2. Compose ten vocabulary sentences using any ten words from this lesson
  3. Read passage 2 and answer the questions (come to class prepared to discuss the passage)
  4. Listen to the following passages and complete the exercise distributed in class. You will find links to the listneing below


Hello students! Once again, what a great class. I am so pleased to see the improvements you have made in these short weeks. Today we worked on function and stance questions in the lab and then practiced academic notetaking. After that we listened to a lecture on the relationship between Benedit Arnold and George Washington. Here is a link if you would like to go back and listen again. The class activity represented only a small portion of the lecture. If you want to practice academic listening, there are countless lectures on the internet you can listen to for practice. Some of these have transcripts which can be read to check your understanding. Here is a link to the lesson from class, which includes definitions as well as the homework assignment to listen to this podcast and fill in the missing words and phrases.

Remember that all homework assignments are mandatory and contribute to your final grade for the block. Homework assignments for tonight include:
  1. Completion of text fill in assignment
  2. Five vocabulary sentences
  3. Study for CGT quiz 4 on Thursday
  4. Complete any missing assignments

Good luck and feel free to contact me by email if you have any questions.

8/19 & 8/20

In these classes we  opened up class by working on Playback questions in a conversation and and a lecture from the skill development portion of our text. We also worked on categorizing information in a lecture. In the advanced integrative portion of class, we worked on speaking and writing. Here is a link to the speaking and writing materials  and here is a link to the speaking prompts. Homework for the end of the week includes:
  1. Write out a speech defending Arnold's actions and reduce the speech to an outline. Be prepared to submit both forms
  2. Compose a conclusion to essay 2 from the reading lesson using one of the strategies for a zinger practiced in class
  3. Study for vocabulary quiz on all words from Stem Cells and Benedict Arnold for a quiz on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th (It will be postponed due to the TOEFL Exam). I will pass out a study guide on Monday.

Also, after the test I will meet with you to discuss any missing assignments from the block. You will have until the end of the week to submit any missing assignments. Please remember that you must meet a grade of 70% or better to maintain good status with the COC.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut


Welcome back on this beautiful Monday in September. Today we started off class with our weekly vocabulary quiz and some extra practice on Listening for Details. In the second half of the morning, we read the short story Harrison Bergeron. Here is a link to the lesson and the vocabulary.

Homework for today includes:
1. Five vocabulary sentences using the words from today's lesson. Try to use an alternative form of the word. You can find definitions and alternative forms of the words posted on the link.
2. Finish reading the story and answer the comprehension questions at the back of the packet. Please come to class tomorrow prepared to discuss the story.
3. Complete the extra listening practice quiz. You can find a link to the lecture here.
4. Begin studying the words in section 4 of the textbook for a quiz on Thursday.


Hello all,

Today we started class with a brief introduction of the method, purpose, and attitude questions for the listening section. We will be studying these questions in more detail in the coming two weeks.

We also learned different ways to recognize the definitions of words contained in the same sentence as an unfamiliar vocabulary word. You can find the link to the handout and practice here.

Next, we worked on practicing academic note taking in lectures including cause and effect. You can find a link to the worksheet here. If you are interested in going back to hear the lectures again, here are the lectures on Stagflation and Dance Halls. You will need to carefully listen and take notes on the final lecture onThe Black Death and Art. I will be collecting your notes on this lecture.

Finally, I gave a lecture on the intended meaning of the short story and you worked together to complete a lecture quiz based on the lecture. You can find a link to the lesson for today here. This link also contains the definitions to some words and phrases found in the podcast about Kurt Vonnegut. For homework, I am asking you to listen to the podcast and answer these questions. Here is a link to the podcast audio file.

For homework, please do the following:
  1. Complete the packet Vocabulary in Context 4 on using definiitons. You can find a link above.
  2. Listen to the third lecture on the Black Death and take notes. Turn you notes in tomorrow.
  3. Listen to the podcast on Vonnegut and try to answer the questions.
  4. Study for the CGT section 4 vocabulary quiz.

Today we started the lesson with additional drills to practice listening for purpose and attitude for the ibt Listening exam. If you missed class, please see me about completing these exercises at home or after class. We also reviewed the answers to the Vocabulary in Context 4 exercise. A large portion of today's class was devoted to a sample ibt speaking exam, which we recorded, anlyed and re-recorded for scoring. I realize this was a bit of a shock, but I see this as a starting point from which you will continue to improve and grow.

Today in class, we discussed the short story Harriso Bergeron and I introduced the theme essay. Supportive class materials can be found here. You will need to select a general theme from the list in the handout and determine a thesis for the essay. Next, search through the text for examples to support your idea. I will meet with you individually to discuss your findings. I will also provide an example of a theme essay in class tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the last day of week 3 of this block. I would like to schedule individual meetings after class to discuss missing assignments and any other issues.

For homework, please do the following:
  1. Study the short story to find textual examples of your theme to support your thesis. We will discuss these in class.
  2. Catch up on any missing assignments.
  3. Prepare for the vocabulary quiz on the CGT section 3

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Lessons on Stem Cell Research


Today we opened class with a discussion of common expressions found during campus conversations. You can find a link to the list here. After practicing listening for details in campus conversations, we started our advanced integrative work on stem cells. Here is a link to that lesson, which includes definitions and alternative forms of the words. Remember that the quiz next Monday will require you not only to defin words, but also identify their roots and alternative forms.

In simulation, we worked from a very difficult listening exam. Below you can find links to the lectures and conversation. Please go back and listen again for extra listening practice.


Homework Assignments

    1. Compose ten vocabulary sentences using any ten words of your choice (please turn sentences in on a separate sheet of paper, entitled Lesson 96 Vocabulary).
    2. Read the article at the end of the packet and create six questions based on the selection.
    3. Study for CGT vocabulary quiz section 2
    4. Complete work on final research project
Here is a link to the lesson from today, which includes the definitions. If you are interested in listneing  to the podcast again,  here is an audio file only. If you would like to read along with the transcript, you can find more information about this story here. Although we will not cover the second new story in the lesson packet, you can find a link to the story "Revisiting the South Korean Stem Cell Claim" here.
Homework Assignments
    1. Study for CGT vocabulary quiz section 2
    2. Complete reading passage 3 and answer the questions.
    3. Study conversation questions in order to prepare for an interesting discussion.
    4. Work on missing assignments.
Today we devoted a lot of time to speaking practice. Here is a link to the lectures on Stem Cell Research we used to create lecture summaries. Hereis a link to the class packet. I realize that the essay writing assignment may be challenging, but do your best. Hereis a link to a sample essay I wrote. This essay is on Juvenile Justice, but it should give you a clear idea about the structure.
Homework Assignments
    1. Complete supplemental listening passages for factual questions. You can find the links to the lectures following: Atmosphere  Gorillas  Facial Theory  Malthus 
    2. Complete first draft expository essay on Stem Cell Research (see example)
    3. Catch up on any missing assignments
    4. Study for vocabulary quiz (you should have a word list)
Finally, please know how much I appreciate your hard work and great attitudes. Yes, the class is challenging (it is meant to be). Trust me that I have your best interests in mind. If you come to class, work hard, and complete assignments, you will be amazed how much you will grow and improve!
Have a great weekend!