Monday, September 17, 2012

Benedict Arnold Lessons


First of all, let me commend you all for being on time, ready to rock, and ready to work hard today. Let's make this a habit.

We started off class in the lab reviewing main idea and detail questions. We also took a vocabulary quiz on CGT word list number 3, which means that this Thursday we will be taking the quiz on section 4. Next, we continued to review by examining the four strategies learned thus far to determine the meaning of an unfamiliar word in the context of a passage.We also began the integrative lesson topic on Benedict Arnold by working on some authentic media reading passages.  Here is a link to the class lesson with definitions.

Homework for tomorrow includes:
  1. Complete the Vocabulary in Context review exercises.
  2. Compose ten vocabulary sentences using any ten words from this lesson
  3. Read passage 2 and answer the questions (come to class prepared to discuss the passage)
  4. Listen to the following passages and complete the exercise distributed in class. You will find links to the listneing below


Hello students! Once again, what a great class. I am so pleased to see the improvements you have made in these short weeks. Today we worked on function and stance questions in the lab and then practiced academic notetaking. After that we listened to a lecture on the relationship between Benedit Arnold and George Washington. Here is a link if you would like to go back and listen again. The class activity represented only a small portion of the lecture. If you want to practice academic listening, there are countless lectures on the internet you can listen to for practice. Some of these have transcripts which can be read to check your understanding. Here is a link to the lesson from class, which includes definitions as well as the homework assignment to listen to this podcast and fill in the missing words and phrases.

Remember that all homework assignments are mandatory and contribute to your final grade for the block. Homework assignments for tonight include:
  1. Completion of text fill in assignment
  2. Five vocabulary sentences
  3. Study for CGT quiz 4 on Thursday
  4. Complete any missing assignments

Good luck and feel free to contact me by email if you have any questions.

8/19 & 8/20

In these classes we  opened up class by working on Playback questions in a conversation and and a lecture from the skill development portion of our text. We also worked on categorizing information in a lecture. In the advanced integrative portion of class, we worked on speaking and writing. Here is a link to the speaking and writing materials  and here is a link to the speaking prompts. Homework for the end of the week includes:
  1. Write out a speech defending Arnold's actions and reduce the speech to an outline. Be prepared to submit both forms
  2. Compose a conclusion to essay 2 from the reading lesson using one of the strategies for a zinger practiced in class
  3. Study for vocabulary quiz on all words from Stem Cells and Benedict Arnold for a quiz on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th (It will be postponed due to the TOEFL Exam). I will pass out a study guide on Monday.

Also, after the test I will meet with you to discuss any missing assignments from the block. You will have until the end of the week to submit any missing assignments. Please remember that you must meet a grade of 70% or better to maintain good status with the COC.

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